Shopfront Grant - Round 8

This is a preview of the Shopfront Grant - Round 8 - 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Guidelines and Eligibility criteria

The City of Holdfast Bay Shopfront Grant Program assists owners and/or tenants of buildings within the City to enhance their exterior appearances.

Enquiries can initially be directed to Virginia Miller, Business Development Partner on 0477 884 446 or email


Eligibility to Apply

Applications can be made by building owners, landlords and business tenants (with the owner's/landlord/s approval) and Agents for the building owner.  

Funded Works

  • Improvements or upgrades to shop frontage to enhance character
  • Re-painting or additional external materials and treatments that provide attractive detailing (eg. texture or tiling)
  • Repairs/upgrades to verandas, guttering/downpipes, canopies and awnings that are visible from the street
  • Building faced elements to better interact with the street (e.g. installation of folding doors/windows or increasing extent of windows/glazing to shopfront/heating)
  • Non fixed items that enhance the exterior (e.g. umbrellas/planter boxes/art installations/tables/chairs).

Council may at its discretion request other documentary evidence supporting the amount requested. 

Excluded Works

The following are excluded:

  • Development assessment fees
  • Improvements already completed 
  • Internal fit-outs (except improvements to front display areas visible to the street of a fixed nature)
  • Movable signs
  • Other improvements not visible from the street
  • Routine maintenance/cleaning
  • Staffing/operational costs
  • Property purchase or business relocation
  • Foundation works/underpinning


  • Application to be completed online in the Shopfront grant portal
  • Must be by the building owner(s), landlord or by a tenant with the approval of the building owner(s)
  • Must include a full description of the type of work to be done
  • Submissions must include:
    • written quotations from appropriate contractors
    • program for work from contract acceptance to completion
    • cost estimate of all work to be done specifically identifying the components for which assistance is sought
    • photographs, plans and specifications to be provided where possible.

Round Eight: August 2024 - April 2025.

Level of Subsidy

Applicants may apply for 50% of the value of subsidised work, not exceeding $5,000. Applicants must demonstrate the owners 50% contribution to the project. The City of Holdfast Bay has allocated $75,000 per financial year to the Shopfront Grants program. Funds will be available until exhausted.


  • Decisions to be made by Council within a reasonable timeframe of receiving applications, excluding any delay while additional information is sought and provided
  • Relevant staff are authorised to determine recipients of grant assistance
  • Work must be completed within the specified time referenced on the agreement to the applicant 

Applications are vetted against the following criteria:

  • Alignment to City of Holdfast Bay Our Holdfast 2050+ strategic plan
  • Strengthening a sense of community belonging and pride
  • Enhancing community participation
  • Contribute to the vibrancy of the public realm
  • Celebrate creative expression and strengthen community connections
  • Fostering social and cultural diversity
  • Stimulating the local economy and promoting the Holdfast Bay council region as a tourism destination
  • Matched or additional funding towards the project will be looked upon favourably
  • Minimal environmental impact as well as minimal adverse impact on residents.

Payment by Council

Payment will only be made as a reimbursement of building owner(s), landlord(s) or tenant(s) expenditure after full documentation is received.  This includes written notification that works are completed, receipts and photos as evidence of works.

Council will inspect the completed work components before making payment.

Quality Assurance

  • Is primarily the building owner(s) responsibility and will be assessed by Council at the conclusion of the work before payment is made
  • Council to be advised at the stages of contract acceptance, work commencement, other milestones nominated by Council (dependent on the nature of the work) and completion 
  • Advise to Council at the above-mentioned stages does not oblige Council to undertake an inspection of the work at that stage
  • Any inspection or site visit by Council representatives will not constitute an inspection for the purposes of Council's Development Act responsibilities and Council will not warrant the workmanship or other qualities of the work as a result of any inspection or visit.


Council has the right to arrange photographs, video recording or similar of the building prior to work, while work is in progress and/or at completion, for the purpose of showcasing the work on its website and/or other publications. 


  • Council will accept no liability in any respect for any claim or damage of any form which may result from the work
  • It shall be the building owner(s) obligation to hold current and appropriate insurance cover
  • While Council will provide the financial assistance as agreed, the building owner(s) will have full responsibility for all acts and failures to act by any party in relation to design, documentation, contract(s) or the work on site